PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

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kamica moczowa

Urologia Polska 2006/59/4

Urolithiasis as continous process of crystalization and dezintegration of crystals - biomineralogical evidences
Maciej Pawlikowski, Adam Kwinta

Urologia Polska 2005/58/4

Urolithiasis (part III). Diagnostic procedures, conservative treatment and prophylaxis of recurrent urolithiasis in children
Bożena Eberdt-Goł±bek

Urologia Polska 2005/58/3

Urinary lithiasis (part I). Non-metabolic factors associated with urolithiasis
Bożena Eberdt-Goł±bek
Urinary lithiasis (part II). Metabolic factors associated with urolithiasis
Bożena Eberdt-Goł±bek

Urologia Polska 2002/55/3

Analysis of the crystalline structure of urinary stones with the use of infrared spectrometry
Paweł Porzycki, Jacek Tereszkiewicz
Uric acid as a component of calcium oxalate stones: diagnostic and therapeutic implications
Krzysztof Safranow, Piotr Machoy

Urologia Polska 1999/52/3

Marcin Słojewski, Andrzej Sikorski, Adam Goł±b